Reserve your marked down Silverado

Aug 10, 2021
Chevy service

The more you drive, the more your car wears down. While most wear and tear is subtle, sometimes it hits your car like a ton of bricks. Or, more specifically, like a rock smashing into your windshield while you’re on the highway. If this has happened to you, our Chevy service center has some tips.

Why a Cracked Windshield Needs Attention

If you have a small crack or ding in your windshield, you may not think it’s a big deal. And, you’re probably right.

However, there’s a good chance that it will only get worse. When, for example, the temperature drops and moisture gets into the fracture, expanding ice can make the situation worse. A cracked windshield is also more likely to shatter if you are involved in an accident.

Should You Repair or Replace a Cracked Windshield?

The nice thing about treating a small crack early is that it may be able to be fixed pretty easily. If it’s small – about three inches or less – there’s a good chance it can be repaired. The process involves using a vacuum to remove any debris or moisture and then filling the crack with resin.

This is typically a permanent solution. For cracks longer than three inches or chips bigger than a quarter, the recommendation will probably be a new windshield. In addition to improving safety, a cracked windshield – especially if it’s impairing the vision of the driver – most likely wouldn’t be able to pass an annual inspection.

Take Care of Your Cracked Windshield at Phelps Chevrolet

Whether the crack in your windshield can be repaired or you’ll need a replacement, your car will be in great hands at the service center at Phelps Chevrolet. Get in touch to schedule an appointment.