Reserve your marked down Silverado

Sep 20, 2022
Chevrolet Brakes

As safety features go, your brakes are easily the most critical part of your car. A braking system that’s in good condition protects you, and if yours isn’t up to snuff, nothing good will come of it. If you’re experiencing any of the issues below, the service center at Phelps Chevrolet Greenville, NC, will diagnose and repair the problem. 


When the brakes squeal, this is probably due to a pad wearing out. That squeal is the sound of worn brake pads that need immediate replacement at a Chevy service center.


If you ignore the squealing and eventually start hearing a grinding noise, chances are good that a pad has worn through completely, and now metal is rubbing on metal.


When you apply your brakes, the pads push against the rotors, which causes the wheels to stop spinning. If there are vibrations when you do this, it could be because a rotor has worn down and its thickness is now uneven.

Burning Smell

The system could be overheating if you have a strong burning odor when you step on the brake pedal. If you notice smoke coming out around a wheel, it may be because a brake caliper is not working correctly, and it’s locked in place.

A Spongy Pedal

Your brake pedal should have some firmness to it, but if it feels soft or you have to press it down to the floor, something is wrong. This may mean that air or moisture has gotten into the system. You never want to take a chance with your brakes, so if any of these issues are familiar, you must get your car looked at immediately. Make your appointment now with the service center at Phelps Chevrolet.